Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cooking with kids

Brinkley is always helping me when I cook, he loves it!  So when a friends three year was turning four I made her a play apron and potholders, complete with a recipe box which I covered in felt to make match the set.  The project turned out better than I expected.  I had no pattern for the apron, I just winged it, but next time I would try to make the straps Velcro I didn't think about children not being able to tie.  For the potholders I found a cool video on YouTube about how to make a potholder, which was very helpful.  The recipe box was actually a Christmas recipe box that I got on sale after Christmas, after covering it with felt you couldn't tell that it had been a Christmas one.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I've never been very good at re-purposing, but I found this treasure at a yard sale for twenty dollars.  I knew fair well that there was no room on my kitchen walls to hang it but I had to have it.  I fell in love with it.  It sat in our office for the longest time, until we remodeled our bathroom.  It got mixed up with the materials we needed to do the bathroom, I thought to myself, "too bad we can't put this in our bathroom because it would match perfectly!" And then it hit me, "I can put it in our bathroom!"  So now it conveniently holds books and magazines.  I can't imagine it being anywhere else in our house.  I love it!  I've included a picture in which my daughter managed to sneak apologies. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Ok....I've had a lot of craft fun lately and little time to blog about it so here goes nothing.  I'm gonna start with this cute little dinosaur that I made for my son.  I foolishly thought that I was the first person to think of taking this route, but after posting it on Etsy I found that I am far from the first person to think about making a stuffed dinosaur.  There are no new idea out there, just different versions of old ideas.  But that's okay I still think my little dinosaur pillow is adorable and so does my son, which is the most important, right! When I finished my two year old just kept hugging it and shouting "Cute! Cute! Cute!"

P.S.  My husband and I built a light box and took pics of the dino in our new light box.  My husband is always impressing me.